



It is such a nice number. So clean. So round. So big!

Years ago, this would've been an unfathomable goal for me. I would've called bullshit anytime I heard that anyone ran over 100 miles in a week. How’s that even possible? Isn’t it like 15 miles in a day??

Then as I ran more, I thought only true studs hit 100. Certainly not me. Disclosure: I’m not saying that everyone who runs 100 is a stud, nor that you can't be a stud if you run fewer than 100... I'm just saying... It’s a shitload of miles. Most guys that do it AND can live to tell about it 2 or 3 weeks later… are kind of in good shape.

100 really wasn't even a goal in my current training. When I built my marathon schedule back in the spring, I was planning on only topping out around 90 miles. However, after feeling comfortable pushing well into the 90's over a 7 day period at the cabin, I decided that I needed to make a go for 100.

After last Sunday's 1/2 marathon I was pretty banged up. My right ITB got knotted up. Both calves were a mess at one point or another. I had something with my left achilles for a day. The top of my left foot had some sort of soreness...(And still does?)... Going for 100 in my peak week seemed once again improbable.

I'd be lying if I told you it felt good. It's debatable if it was a smart thing to do. Only time will tell. Recovery from that half was a big struggle. Garbage sleep didn’t help the cause. 3 of my runs felt like death marches by the final mile. I did have some good runs though.

So did it hurt? Yes.

Was it fun? No.

How's my social life? Yeah, take a guess. If you need help, ask my girlfriend, Sarah, or ask Myra.

Did I need to go 100? Probably not.

Did I consider bailing on this stupid goal? Every day. But fuck it, it had to happen at some point. Be a man.

That glowing, shiny “1-double-0” kept staring at me. Now was as good of a time as any.

That was my motivation.

So I did it. I clocked 100 miles in a week. I'm proud of it. I've come a long way. If nothing else, I can say at the end of the day (or week) that I can run 100 miles

An HUGE special thank you to Sarah! She gave me two much needed massages during the week. After the 1/2 marathon, that made it possible to keep going. By the time Saturday's 24 miler rolled around, I was pretty much back to normal.
The 24 was mostly at an easier 7:15 pace, and then I felt totally fine picking it up and hitting a 6:10s for the last 3 miles. I felt like I could've easily (if that's possible) gone another 5 or 6 miles. But I had to stop at some point... I mean come on, that would've been overkill! 100 was good enough.

The peak is in. Now I taper my mileage for 3 weeks, then it's Chicago Marathon #5. Marathon #10.

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