
Getting old

On this eve of my 34th birthday, I can't help but feel like I'm getting old.

The last 2 weeks have been above 50 miles, but it hasn't come easy.

I'm having some chronic soreness in my left glute/hip/hamstring/whatever it is... I've seen like 6 different people in the last 6 months, and nobody can tell me what's causing the pain... aside from "you're weak". I've technically been dealing wtih this pain since around Boston-2009.

Likewise, my good ol' friend Mr. Cuboid is back in town! Just when I've been starting to miss him, too. ...Two weeks ago, the chiropractor gave me a good yank on my foot. A couple days later and it was clear that my right cuboid had become subluxed. Maybe there's more to it than just the cuboid, but I've had this problem before and it certainly feels like it. Nothing like trying to run with a dislodged bone in your foot! I can get it to pop back in, unfortunately, it won't stay back in position.

Good news though: no more shin splints! That's probably a result of running the past couple of months almost entirely in my Vibram Five Fingers, New Balance MT10's, or my Mizuno Universe's. All are ultra-minimalist shoes. (I would say that none have caused the problems above... since the hip was there to begin with and my cuboid was just a strain from getting yanked).

SO... here I am turning another year, getting into marathon training... and I have a bum rear end on the left side and a flat tire on the right side. This needs to get fixed soon, or it's gonna be a long 3-4 months.

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