
Postpartum Marathon Syndrome

On the heels of a marathon, I almost always get some sort of postpartum syndrome. I'm often not quite sure what to do with myself. I go from loads of big mile training, then run a race, then it all shuts down and I'm left guessing what to do with myself.   

So that's where I've been for the past month... Stuck between wanting a break, but forging ahead with a few races... I mean, it can't all go for naught.  With no real goal in mind, I've decided to snag some quick CARA Circuit points.

I've kept up about 40-60 miles a week since Boston... probably least amount possible to allow me to strike while the iron is still somewhat warm. I've raced in the following:

If ever there was a recent chance for my 5K PR, this might've been it. The weather was absolutely perfect for racing in Chicago (actually, very rare!!). No wind, nicely in the mid-50's. Oak Park is a very competitive race that I've run several times. It's a fast course, and I had plenty teammates and other runners to help pace with. Unfortunately, I wound up missing my PR by 4 seconds. This was 2 weeks after Boston, and though I was fit, I still felt somewhat flat and sore. So true, you can burn a fast 5K after a marathon... without doing any additional work whatsoever... but it didn't feel good and it was still shy of a PR. Maybe I should've put in a little more work following the marathon? Whatever. I was 4th in my AG, which is amazing considering this was a 16:20!

This race served a simple purpose: moar CARA AG points. And I did just that, as I won my AG. It was a hot day... probably our first of the year for a race. I wasn't feeling overly fast, and I basically recognized that I had no competition in the age group. I hung in there, and just ran as short/fast tempo. That's what I call good enough.

5/25 - Soldier Field 10 Miler - 56:22
I had the goal of a sub-57 race. I haven't actually raced too many 10 mile road races, so this was entertaining. Like a giant fast tempo. I believe my 10mi PR was previously inside of a half marathon or a tempo run. Either way, SF10 is a competitive race so I went out with Scott Laumann again, and we blazed the first 5miles. Unfortunately, we turned and realized that the wind was previously at our backs. Per forecasts, wind wasn't supposed to be a factor, but it certainly was on the lakefront. After the turn, I gave up nearly 10-15 seconds a mile and ran a 56:22. Not the best execution, but another good enough for 2nd in my AG.

After Shamrock and each of these races, I believe I'm now seeded 1st place for the CARA 35-39 AG. Ugh. I'm afraid of what this might bring. Since I have no major goals for the rest of the season, I fear this might rope me into gunning for the circuit. I know that I'm not the fastest guy in the 35-39 AG, but if the more elite guys miss enough races, I might be able to hang in there with a few more decent runs.

At the very least, I'm going to run another Circuit 5K this coming weekend and then reassess. Beyond that, I'm a man without a plan and I'm getting by on a diet of lite mileage and former marathon fitness.

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