
ADK'16, Round 2

So my first trip up to the cabin this year didn't really amount to a whole heck of a lot of running, as it typically has been in the past. Aside from doing the Boilermaker, I wound up trying to recover and chilling out most of the time. I simply didn't need the miles back in early July.

However, this year I'm fortunate enough to have the time for a second trip to the cabin, so I went back up there for a long Labor Day Weekend. It was good quality family time with my parents, my sister, Patti, and my two nieces. I got in some solid water skiing, worked my butt off with a few maintenance projects... and ultimately, I had some running redemption with 5 days to cram as many miles in as I could handle.

I wound up running 4 of the 5 days.

Quick recap:
Thursday - Moderate 14 miles out/back from cabin to Hogsback/Belfort Rd.

Friday - Progressing 12 miles from cabin to Croghan... started easy and progressed into 7 miles that averaged 6:15. Finished with a pancake breakfast with Mark at Schultz's.

Saturday - Easy 21 miles looping cabin up to Number 4 (past Charlies), then down and back.

Sunday - REST I was a little too sore in the morning, so I decided to chill for the day.

Monday - Easy 14 miles out/back from cabin to Stillwater.

In the end, I had just over 60 miles in the 4 days that I ran. I capped off the week ending 9/3 with 99 miles, which has been my biggest training week so far.

My diet was reasonably healthy and I feel fairly lean coming back to Chicago. Even better, so far so good with my Dead Legs Syndrome, as I haven't had any major issues since I knocked that out a few weeks ago. My only issues at this point are dealing with the lingering Chicago heat. The last two days have been brutal runs in well north of 90 degrees. As I write this, I know I'm severely dehydrated. I'll need to be careful for the next few days until the weather breaks.

I’m looking to maintain my mileage from here for the next two weeks. This week will have me moving some runs around ahead of Sunday's Lake Zurich Half Marathon. I'll juggle my long run to Friday, and look to do a marathon paced run at the half, much like I did last year.

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