
I need to sleep until Brooklyn

So here we go again. NYC#4.

I peaked out two weeks ago and have been desperately trying to not ruin myself since then.

I finished my training with a solid tempo run at the Naperville Half Marathon. I was butting up against 100 in the prior seven days, had zero taper, ran 19 the day before... and still felt strong the whole way through the race. Splits were steady effort and pretty consistent around 5:45-5:55.

Split recap:
1- 5:52.1
2- 5:55.8
3- 5:56.7
4- 5:52.1
5- 5:51.5
6- 5:50.4
7- 5:55.3
8- 5:56.2
9- 5:46.1
10- 6:00.0
11- 5:51.3
12- 5:45.1
13- 5:51.7
.1- 0:44.0
Total 1:17:08

This was a culminating tempo for me.

My taper since then has actually been quite tame... I reduced my mileage a little more extreme than usual. I did 45 last week, and it'll be upper 30s this week. Aside from one teeny, tiny, minor detail this has been a good recovery period. That certain detail was an all-inclusive wedding in the Dominican Republic last weekend. I was there for 3-1/2 days. It wasn't terrible but took it's toll for a few of those nights. Again, I did the best I could to not ruin myself, but I required a few days to shake the all-inclusive out of my system.

The weather for NYC is what it is... it might be a little warm and humid. They're suggesting it rains prior to the start of the race, so that has me a little worried. The wind will be also be key. So far it suggests a sidewind for the first 20mi. That's about the best I can ask for.

In the last 15 weeks, I've run more than I ever have in my entire running career. Before I toe the line, I'll have over 1,120 miles in those 15 weeks... and my base stretches back longer than that.

I know I'm strong. I'm light. I'm fit. Everything feels good or good enough. I don't know if I'm fast because I haven't raced anything all out... but I have had solid workouts to show that I do have wheels.

I'm still antsy as all hell. Afterall, I'm about to walk into a battle. Victory loves preparation though... and I got me plenty of that.

All that's left to do it stay calm, relax, get to Brooklyn, and then go to work.

So, NYC, ready or not, here I come!!

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