
I flinched.

Solid tempo run last night. A big nine miles, but in the final mile spooked me.

My quad said enough is enough, and knotted up on me. I was forced to slow up instead of hammering the mile. There wasn't anything I could do, as I basically wound up with a painful flat tire.

A massage and a day later, and I think it's better but I'm afraid to run on it today. I'm taking the night off. Unfortunate, because that busts my week. Tonight was supposed to be 16 miles, and I was shooting for a third 90+ week. I can double tomorrow to pick up some of the slack but the week will still falls short. I'll have to be satisfied with this. It's not worth the risk of doing more damage.

Split recap
1- 5:59.6
2- 5:55.4
3- 5:54.6
4- 5:48.4
5- 5:49.3
6- 5:44.8
7- 5:50.3
8- 5:51.0
9- 5:49.7
Avg - 5:51

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