
Good Riddance 2011

My year can be summed up like this: Both personally and athletically, fantastic. Professionally, not so much. I'll spare you from the rants about the market, and how I feel like I've aged 3 years in the past 12 months due to my stress at work... But when all is told, I did have a solid year of running and I couldn't be happier with almost all other aspects of my life (again, minus the work bullshit). That said, I'll be happy to move on to greener ground in 2012.

Since CIM, I've been muddling along in a quasi- recovery and maintenance mode with one goal in mind: breach 2,500 miles for the year. I finally closed it out yesterday and hit 2,511.4 miles as of today (yeah, that's right, I'll claim those 2 extra 0.2's from Rotterdam and CIM). I don't need to run tomorrow, but if I can squeeze something, so be it. I'd have to go back to double check the numbers - but I believe that means every year since 2004 has been a PR in total mileage.

I can also mark PRs in my 5K, 8K, 10K, and twice in the marathon. The 16:16 Oak Park 5K, 2:38:46 Rotterdam, and 2:38:14 CIM were my most proud accomplishments.

Strangely, my 1:14:50 half-marathon from September-2010 still stands as my all-time most aggressive race (and that was even before any peak-NYC training). That needs to be rectified.

2011 Notable accomplishments:
March - 106 miles in 7 days PR
April - Oak Park 5K 16:16 PR
April - Rotterdam Marathon 2:38:46 PR
October - FLW 10K 34:38 PR (training run)
November - Streaked 5 consecutive days of maintaining 103 miles
November - Buffalo Turkey Trot 8K 27:16 PR (technically a disappointment)
December - California International Marathon 2:38:14 PR
Total Miles - 2,511.4 PR

Looking forward to 2012, I have some initial goals in mind:
  • On a broader scale, run healthy. I still have some lingering problems with my left hamstring yanking on my hip (most likely due to sitting all day at work, followed by running my ass off outside of the office). I haven't mentioned it much recently since it hasn't slowed me down, but it is notably weaker and/or restricted versus my right hamstring. That needs to get fixed. Otherwise I'm 100% healthy.

  • It should go without saying, but PR my total mileage again this year.

  • Roll a decent Shamrock Shuffle 8K. Should be sub 27min, which should be very doable. It'll also put me on solid ground for a nice spring racing season

  • PR my 1/2 marathon. I need to crush that 1:14:50.

  • Go all in on the marathon. And by all in, I mean a proper training session... like NYC-2010 minus blowing up in the peak... and none of this 12-15 week bullshit. A proper 1,500 mile, 20 week ordeal.
I'm not totally sure which half and full marathons yet... I'm likely going to defer any marathoning until the fall though. I could use a few months to more properly recover still and build my core back up. I'd love to gun Chicago, and then sandbag a 2:49 in NYC to get that monkey off my back... but we'll see. Chicago is early again this year, so we'll see (Dear Race Organizers: Pull your head out of your ass and switch to mid/late October already!!)

For now though... Good Riddance 2011! You won't be missed.

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