
Makin' the Eights

This is really my final week of running before Grandma's. The race is next Saturday. Like I said before, I haven't written much about this, but I've been certainly thinking and obsessing over it for the last couple of months.

May was solid. I ran a hell of a lot. I've only had three other comparable peaks that were this big:

- Philly 2012 - I had 12 day streak of trailing-7 days clocking 100+. Technically, 13 out of 15 days had the 100+. I was fantastically fit, but only had a few hours of sleep the night before the race. It was all for naught.

- Chicago 2013 - While I was "finding myself", I had 15 weeks of 1068 miles. My biggest ramp to that point, but not a peak like Philly. Lots of strong running and speed in here too, but I wound up breaking myself a week or so before the marathon. That lead to my worst injury ever. The marathon became a struggle to finish due the beginning of my pubic symphysis getting crushed.

- NYC 2017 - This was the mother of all training, as far as I was concerned. 15 weeks of 1121 miles. I even ran a marathon before the marathon. I had speed, I had strength, yet I came up lame. Yet again, all for naught and not worth discussing any longer.

Anyway, it's not all done yet for Grandma's, but I'll likely wind up with around 1040'ish miles in the 15 weeks. In addition, I also have the 13 days that lived above 100+. Twin peaks of 108. This has been solid and strong work yet again. I don't feel fresh, but I do feel fit. That's for sure.

That brings me to this week. Nothing big mileage wise, but I had two notable workouts:

8 Mile SOLO Tempo:
1- 548.2
2- 540.9
3- 543.3
4- 537.1
5- 537.5
6- 536.3
7- 533.3
8- 534.9
= 5:38.9 avg

The thing that was nice about this one - I was solo. It was a warm day, but wind wasn't a significant factor. Fast as I could want, and actually faster that I intended. I finished very strong. I actually don't know that I've done a tempo that fast before, outside of a race???

10x 800 w/ 85-90 rest:
1- 236.6
2- 236.3
3- 236.1
4- 235.2
5- 236.1 [1-5 avg: 236.06]
6- 233.1
7- 232.3
8- 231.6
9- 232.5
10- 231.2 [6-10 avg: 232.14]
= 234.10 avg

Again, SOLO. Decent conditions as well. Warmish day, and wind wasn't a factor. Considering the shit cold, monster wind, then incredibly hot weather we've had for the last 2 straight months, this was absolutely perfect!

One other kicker for the workout that I didn't anticipate... apparently it was National Running Day. The track was fucked! EXTREMELY crowded with Back on My Feet Again and CARA both having big groups doing social runs. I had to compete with 75+ people during my laps, and 3 soccer games on the infield. I tried the best I could to delay the run, and stay out of trouble. Every single lap required some sort of obstacle though.

The result: 236.06 in the first 5 reps. Not blazing, but not bad. It didn't feel easy. Just trying to get my groove and hold it. Then something hit me inside... I just opened up my legs and let the stride flow. Number 6 was tough, but I pushed the pace. I forced a 233. I don't know why, but everything after that felt sooo smooth!!! I wasn't having to force it as much. I even still had all the traffic in lane one. It didn't phase me. I sailed the second half, averaging 232.14. All in, I've had faster 8x800s, but that's definitely the fastest I've done 10x800... and certainly the best negative split interval workout that I've done.

Makin' the Eights... 8 mile tempo, and 10x800s. Two big workouts in my final week before cutting it off.

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