
Sick Boy Training

This winter has been an absolute disaster for me. I haven't updated Coursing in a while, only because I haven't had anything fantastic to report from my running.

It's mid-February and I should be the throwing down 80-90 mile weeks right now training for Boston.

Instead, the flu that sidelined me back in December has been lingering havoc in my immune system. Since then, I feel like I've been dealing with random colds every other week, with the latest bout crushing me for over two weeks straight. 

I was able to get in some decent basing through January.  Then I went skiing for a weekend in VT.  Instead of coming back and picking up my training, I came back with the mother of all colds/ sore throats/ whateverthefuckitis. That was over 2 weeks ago. 

I've already seen a doctor and see another one tonight.  The one told me that I just had a really bad cold, on the heels of a nasty flu and it'll take a while to clear up.  I won't be shocked if the guy tonight tells me that I have Walking Pneumonia, Strep Throat, some sort of viral toxic infection, or who knows what else... fuck it could be cancer...? I donno!! 

Either way, I can hardly swallow, I can't stop coughing up neon colored sludge, my nose is raw from blowing it so damn much, my head feels like it's being punched on the hour every hour... I can't sleep because apparently my time is better spent coughing, hacking, and wheezing... I had a fever.  Hell, I even puked my guts out one night!  Two weeks of this shit.  WTF!?  The only time I feel better is when I'm either getting oxygen overdose from running (oddly), or when I'm doped up on a prescription cough suppressant and ibuprofen...
I'm stuck forcing minimal running right now (ok, and aside from another ski trip to Vail).  I haven't completely fallen apart yet, as I'm getting about 50 miles a week in when "I don't feel that bad."  But unless something changes quickly and I can pick up my training, Boston might be a bust.

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