

A follow up from last week's Sick Boy Training...

So after seeing the latest doctor last week, it turns out that I just had some sort of viral monster cold that had strangle hold on me. The good news is that it's pretty much cleared up at this point, aside from some on going nasty coughing.

The bad news is that I went on some pretty intense meds for a handful of days, and I believe they really wreaked havoc on my body. I was on a Z-pack, Sudafed, a suppressant, a nasal steroid, and lots of Ibuprofen. I feel better on the surface, but when it came to my running, everything has turned to garbage. I'm sluggish, I'm out of breathe, I'm bonking, and I've had to cut 3 out of 4 of my runs in half and even wound up skipping yesterday to to hit the reset. My mileage is a fraction of where it needs to be. Oddly, prior to any of those meds, I may have had sick boy training but it wasn't all that terrible.

That being said, I really need this to clear up soon. I'm nervous about Boston.

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