
What am I?

Well I certainly don't think I'll ever be able to qualify for an "elite" title, especially since I skipped running for the first 25 years of my life...

But in the last couple years, I have become more aggressive and dropped my times to a point that some very solid runners are starting to respect me - and their respecting the fact that my fastest miles are undoubtedly still ahead of me. So if I can keep on keep’n on and potentially achieve a few more milestones, at what point should I be considered a "local elite" athlete?

At this point, I really don't think I deserve that title - at least not yet. I feel like I still need to prove more to the running community, to my team, and especially to myself. Ideally if I can continue my progression though, I may be able to pull that by the end of the summer... a whole 6 months... maybe. (I know, maybe I should take the hint now).

I bring this up is because I was recently selected to join the Fleet Feet Elite Racing Team, which is really just a glorified local elite program and still part of the Fleet Feet team. Apparently someone must think that I'm good enough...? Don't get me wrong, I am happy about this honor. I’ve put in a lot of work to get it, and I have dedicated a lot to my team over a number of years. But I do have my reservations... mostly due to my own self-consciousness, and the fact that I feel some other very good and possibly more qualified runners/teammates should have been given this opportunity instead..... regardless of stupid technicalities, whether or not they chose to apply, or simply because they denied the spot when it was offered. Hence I’m feeling guilty about receiving something when I know others are equally if not more deserving for it.

Damn it, that’s the socialist in me. As much of a capitalist as I am, I hate the idea of a class system... at least when I don’t think I’ve unquestionably earned it above others.

When it comes to our racing team, there should be no pecking order. You just run. Hopefully you have a few guys and girls to train and run some races with, and once and a while someone achieves something awesome. In that moment, we should all be able to celebrate together – because that one person’s success is likely the result of a lot of people’s hard work - together. Positive results come from strength in numbers and positive energy. It’s as simple as that. I wouldn't be the runner that I am without having my team.
So unless someone’s a stellar sub 2:30/2:20 marathoner or a nationally ranked stud (which I'm far from), then running is more recreational and should be about having fun. There shouldn't be any sort of label. A few seconds or minutes here or there shouldn’t mean anyone is more deserving than anyone else. (Jesus, listen to me! Don't let me talk myself into that sh!t when it comes to the real world, capital markets, and politics!!!).

But I am a capitalist. And hard work should be rewarded if someone is willing to reward you. And that capitalist in me is taking the offer to join the elite team. The socialist in me is merely going to gripe about it and hope that the system changes in the future and kills any politics.

To my teammates and comrades in the darkest and coldest of days: I’ll try to do you proud and make the best of this opportunity that you’ve given me. I really hope there aren’t any hard feelings here because I need you, and you need me. I’m still on board with you, through think and thin. Nothing changes.

To my lurchers and backbiters: This only puts a bigger target on me! Keep coming, catch me if you can, just don’t bite too hard!

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