

Last week got the ball rolling. Now its just a matter of hanging on for as long as I can....

-14 miles last Friday after work.

-23 miles on Saturday morning in Barrington (avg likely 6:50ish).

-12 miles on Sunday around noon.

That's 49 miles all within like 40 hours.

Socially my life has gone down the tubes. I'm in bed by 9:30 every night. Get up, go to work for 10 hours, come home, run a couple of hours, eat, go to bed. Such is the life of trying to cram for a marathon.

Since the weekend,

-I doubled for the second week in a row on Tuesday, w/ 6mi tempo after work. Tempo was solid, considering an 18 mile day - 6:00 down to high 5:40's, but I had some help from a wind at my back.

-Tracked last night with a variance of 200 cut downs. 4 sets of 4x 200, with an easy 200 jog in between reps (roughly 75 sec)... reps were consistent w/ #1 = 35-34, #2 = 34-33, #3 = 33-32, #4 = 32-31.
Looking back at my fall workouts, we ran with on 45 sec rest, and did 3 reps going 35, 33, 31.

All in all - Cramming is the only way to describe it... and quickly. I'm not terribly sore, but my legs no longer feel fresh. Calves feel like balloons. I'm tired. I'm hungry, but afraid to eat too much during the day as it'll upset my run.

The shins/calves are the only notable pains. They're better than they were a month ago, but keep tightening up with every 5-6 day streak. Massages have helped a lot. It's been a week since Sarah's had the chance to work on me though. I can tell. I'm stuck taking Aleve once or twice a day to reduce the swelling. I should probably suck it up and start wearing compression stocks while I'm not running.

Basically have 2 more weeks to cram in miles, then cut back for about a week and a half days. It all boils down to about 3-1/2 weeks of 80+ miles with as much quality as possible. Not your ideal marathon training, but its gonna have to do.

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