

The reality of all this is that I had a stress fracture. I broke my foot. I was at my peak performance a little over 5 months ago. I was then forced to take about 2-1/2 months completely off. So I'm now only about 2-1/2 to 3 months back into my running.

Rule of thumb: It takes you twice your down time to get back to where you started. After all of my garbage running and down time over the last handful of years, I firmly believe that. If you take 1 week off, it takes you almost 2 weeks to get your fitness back. I took 2-1/2 months, and it'll take me 5 months of hard training to get back. I'm half to where I was in October. It will likely take until June or July to fully hit my stride again... probably longer, since I'll still have to recover from London.

I say this because in spite of a decent 20x 400m workout last night (jogged a 200m recovery - basically not allowing myself to fully rest between reps).... I still felt unsatisfied. The workout went very smooth, I held my splits, I even picked it up in the second half.

However, Jason was running 5x 1000s at a faster pace than my 400s. He eventually lapped me. Late in my workout, some of the other elite guys started running. I think they were doing 1600s... they were going at least my pace. (aka, potentially easing into sub 5min mile repeats). At one point, one of them blew by me like I was standing still.

It was very humbling. I actually felt embarrassed. Jesus, I was doing measly 400s!! I felt that there's no way I'm even in the same league as these guys. I was the piece of shit slow kid, and in their way on the track. Not a single one of the other "elites" even acknowledged me. I'm on their team! Or are I? Maybe I'm just the pity fuck?

On my lonely cool down, I came to my reality - I've only been running about 2-1/2 months; I've just started to right the ship. I'm half way to getting back in shape.

I have a marathon in a little over 2 weeks, and I'm far from where I wanted to be when I signed up for the damn thing... but its thousands of miles away and costs too much to bail on. Maybe it'll be dubbed the London Lay-up, but hey, at least I'm heading in the right direction.

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