
Building a Plateau

After 2 months of basing in the 50-60 range, I've jumped to 90 miles. My goal is to plateau up here for 3 weeks. While doing so, I'm focusing on quantity AND quality. This is my last ditch effort to cram for Rotterdam.

When I attempted something similar for NYC back in the fall (minus the cram), it didn't go so well. I wound up breaking myself. In hindsight, that move was unnecessary as I already had plenty of speed and endurance under my belt. I could've peaked with far fewer miles and been far better off.

This time around, I'm going off a smaller base with less speed, but I am attempting to plateau from a more healthy standpoint. As of now, I have no major aches or pains that are slowing me down. I'm nearly 2/3rd through the peak, and so far so good.

Assuming all things remain equal, after tomorrow, I'll have about 104-105 miles in the last 7 days. Cary is Sunday. That'll be my next test. I'm essentially running through it, so I'm not expecting to come remotely close to a PR, but I'd like to get a solid long tempo from it.

My success in Rotterdam hinges upon me getting through these 3 weeks rather unscathed and healthy. Is my base (short term and longer term) big enough to hammer on the gas for 21 days without over doing it?

Two notable workouts this week:

Monday night's tempo was a confidence booster. 7 miles, and stayed plenty strong all through the run. The first 1/2 was into wind, followed by wind at my back.

Split recap:
1- 6:07
2- 5:55
3- 5:48
4- 5:46
5- 5:41
6- 5:41
7- 5:27
Avg: 46.4

Wednesday night's BITCH of an interval workout: 20x 400's w/ 60sec recovery. It was in the zoo parking lot, which made it even less entertaining. Odd repeats were going into a slight wind. I averaged a full second faster when that slight wind was at my back.

Split Recap:
1- 75.8
2- 73.3
3- 73.5
4- 73.4
5- 74
6- 73.1
7- 75
8- 74
9- 73.9
10- 74.4
11- 74.1
12- 74.4
13- 74.6
14- 72.9
15- 73.6
16- 72.5
17- 74.7
18- 73.8
19- 74.8
20- 71.4
Avg: 73.86

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