
I can't believe it... Boston is still a go.

A couple weeks back, I laid out an IF/THEN plan suggesting that if everything works out alright, then I might be able to still run the Boston Marathon... albeit merely as a fun run.

This is all somewhat ridiculous, since it has me training for a marathon in less than 4 weeks. It's not even really training either... it's more just getting my legs underneath me and then running a marathon.

The plan seems to be working for now. I'm not 100% healed yet, but I'm feeling less pain with each of my runs and slowly getting a little conditioning back. Most notably, I had a couple of moderately paced runs last week, a 15 miler on Saturday, and my first "tempo" since early November. The tempo was 4 miles at an average of about 6:00 pace. I eased into it and hung on to the pace.

All this being the case, I feel good enough to push the mileage just a little more this week. I'll shoot for the mid-50s. Saturday will become my next key run: 20 miles. After that, I'll have one final week to pull myself together. There will be no taper.

This isn't the ideal situation, but I really do want to do Boston. After all that happened last year with the bombing, I think it'll be an interesting, exciting, and very symbolic experience.... and what the hell, maybe it'll even be more symbolic for me since I'm coming from nothing and still being able to produce something. Plus I have a whole bunch of friends running it. So hence, you can see how I've convinced myself that to choke this thing out. Ugh.

I'm either an idiot or just very talented. Regardless, this fucker ain't gonna run itself.

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